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R/Short Ref


ÀÌ ÆäÀÌÁö´Â [http]R Reference Card¸¦ ¹ø¿ªÇÑ °ÍÀÔ´Ï´Ù.

1. µµ¿ò¸»

  • help(topic)
    topic¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ¹®¼­
  • ?topic
    À§¿Í µ¿ÀÏ
  • help.search("topic")
    µµ¿ò¸» °Ë»ö
  • apropos("topic")
    Á¤±ÔÇ¥Çö "topic"°ú ÀÏÄ¡ÇÏ´Â °Ë»ö °á°úÀÇ ¿ÀºêÁ§Æ® À̸§ÀÇ ¸ñ·Ï
  • help.start()
    HTML ¹öÀüÀÇ µµ¿ò¸» ½ÃÀÛ
  • str(a)
    ÇØ´ç R ¿ÀºêÁ§Æ®ÀÇ ³»ºÎ ±¸Á¶(*str*ucture)¸¦ º¸ÀÓ
  • summary(a)
  • ls()
    °Ë»ö °æ·Î¿¡ ÀÖ´Â ¿ÀºêÁ§Æ®ÀÇ ¸ñ·Ï
  • ls.str()
    °Ë»ö °æ·Î¿¡ ÀÖ´Â °¢ º¯¼ö¿¡ ´ëÇØ¿© str() ¼öÇà
  • dir()
    ÇöÀç µð·ºÅ丮ÀÇ ÆÄÀÏ ¸ñ·Ï
  • methods(a)
    aÀÇ S3 methods
  • methods(class=class(a))
    Ŭ·¡½º aÀÇ ¿ÀºêÁ§Æ®¸¦ ´Ù·ç´Â ¸ðµç methodsÀÇ ¸ð·Ï

2. ÀÔÃâ·Â

  • load()
    save ¸í·ÉÀ¸·Î ÀúÀåµÈ µ¥ÀÌÅͼÂÀ» Àд´Ù
  • data(x)
    ƯÁ¤ µ¥ÀÌÅÍ ¼ÂÀ» Àд´Ù
  • library(x)
    ºÎ°¡ ÆÐÅ°Áö x¸¦ ·ÎµåÇÑ´Ù
  • read.table(file)
    Å×À̺í Çü½ÄÀÇ ÆÄÀÏÀ» Àд´Ù
  • read.csv("filename",header=TRUE)
    À§¿Í µ¿ÀÏÇϸ鼭, ±âº»ÀûÀ¸·Î ½°Ç¥(comma)·Î ºÐ¸®µÈ CSV ÆÄÀÏÀ» Àд´Ù.
  • read.delim("filename",header=TRUE)
    À§¿Í µ¿ÀÏÇϸ鼭, ±âº»ÀûÀ¸·Î ÅÇ(tab)À¸·Î ºÐ¸®µÈ ÆÄÀÏÀ» Àд´Ù.
  • read.fwf(file,widths,header=FALSE,sep="",as.is=FALSE)
    °íÁ¤ Æø Æ÷¸Ë(fixed width formatted) µ¥ÀÌÅÍ°¡ µé¾îÀÖ´Â ÆÄÀÏÀ» Àд´Ù.
  • save(file,...)
    ÁöÁ¤µÈ ¿ÀºêÁ§Æ®(...)¸¦ XDR platform independent binary formatÀ¸·Î ÀúÀå
  • save.image(file)
    ¸ðµç ¿ÀºêÁ§Æ®¸¦ ÀúÀå
  • cat(..., file="", sep=" ")
    ÁöÁ¤µÈ º¯¼ö(...)¸¦ sepÀ¸·Î ÁöÁ¤ÇÑ ¹®ÀÚ·Î ¿¬°áÇؼ­ Ãâ·ÂÇÑ´Ù
  • print(a, ...)
    Ãâ·Â. ¿ÀºêÁ§Æ®¿¡ µû¶ó ´Þ¶óÁø´Ù.
  • format(x, ...)
    Ãâ·ÂÇϱâ ÁÁ°Ô R ¿ÀºêÁ§Æ®¸¦ ²Ù¹Î´Ù
  • write.table(x,file="",rownames=TRUE,col.names=TRUE,sep=" ")
    x¸¦ Ãâ·Â
  • sink(file)
    sink()ÇÒ ¶§±îÁö file·Î Ãâ·Â

3. µ¥ÀÌÅÍ ¸¸µé±â

  • c(...)
    º¯¼öµéÀ» ¹­¾î º¤Å͸¦ ¸¸µå´Â Á¦³×¸¯ ÇÔ¼ö.
  • from:to
    ½ÃÄö½º »ý¼º. 1:4 ´Â 1,2,3,4¸¦ »ý¼º. 1:4+1 Àº 2,3,4,5 »ý¼º.
  • seq(from, to)
    ½ÃÄö½º »ý¼º
  • seq(along=x)
    xÀÇ Å©±â¿¡ µû¶ó ½ÃÄö½º »ý¼º. 1,2,...,length(x)
  • rep(x, times)
    x¸¦ times¹ø ¹Ýº¹
  • data.frame(...)
    À̸§ÀÌ Àְųª ¾ø´Â º¯¼öÀÇ µ¥ÀÌÅÍ ÇÁ·¹ÀÓÀ» ¸¸µç´Ù.
  • list(...)
    À̸§ÀÌ Àְųª ¾ø´Â º¯¼öÀÇ ¸®½ºÆ®¸¦ ¸¸µç´Ù.
  • array(x,dim=)
    µ¥ÀÌÅÍ xÀÇ ¾î·¹ÀÌ. dim=c(3,42)¿Í °°Àº ¹æ½ÄÀ¸·Î dimensionÀ» ÁöÁ¤.
  • matrix(x,nrow=,ncol=)
  • factor(x,levels=)
    º¤ÅÍ x¸¦ factor·Î ÀÎÄÚµå
  • gl(n,k,length=n*k,labels=1:n)
    generate levels (factors) by specifying the pattern of their levels; k is the number of levels, and n is the number of replications
  • expand.grid()
    a data frame from all combinations of the supplied vectors or factors
  • rbind(...)
    combin arguments by rows for matrices, data frames, and others
  • cbind(...)
    id. by columns

4. µ¥ÀÌÅÍ ½½¶óÀ̰̽ú ÃßÃâ

5. º¯¼ö º¯È¯

6. º¯¼ö Á¤º¸

7. µ¥ÀÌÅÍ ¼±Åà ¹× Á¶ÀÛ

8. ¼öÇÐ

9. Çà·Ä

10. °í±Þ µ¥ÀÌÅÍ Ã³¸®

11. ¹®ÀÚ¿­

12. ³¯Â¥¿Í ½Ã°£

13. Ç÷ÎÆÃ

14. Àú¼öÁØ Ç÷ÎÆà ¸í·É¾î

15. ±×·¡ÇÈ ÆĶó¹ÌÅÍ

16. °ÝÀÚ ±×·¡ÇÈ

17. ÃÖÀûÈ­¿Í ¸ðµ¨ ÇÇÆÃ

18. Åë°è

19. ºÐÆ÷

20. ÇÁ·Î±×·¡¹Ö

Standing on head makes smile of frown, but rest of face also upside down.

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