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VEE/english_page/screenshot-3.2 Beta3.2 Beta Screenshot

New Version 3.x Screenshot

1.1. When vee started,

[JPG image (94.66 KB)]
[http]Big Picture

In this shot, the menubar and toolbar was hided. In the default setting, these will be shown, but the person who prefer a minimalism like me, set the vee like this. The bookmark panel in the downside use the tree structures, so you can manage it by hierachy order.

1.2. Terminal is,

The basic feature of vee is 'terminal'

[JPG image (187.85 KB)]
[http]Big Picture

<Control><Shift>Z, the default keyboard shortcut. If you want to change it, you can do that in preferences dialog. Like the previous version, you can open files in a new tab like this.
shell > veet <filename>
This feature definately needed by me, you can cooperate with other console applicaton by setting like this,
shell > EDITOR=veet /usr/bin/mc
In mc, you can open file with 'F4' in new tab.

The default terminal settings, back(fore)ground color, max-scrollable lines, font, can be changed in 'preferences' dialog. If you can store it as bookmark item, you can set it's own setting in bookmark property dialog.

1.3. VIM is,

[JPG image (199.31 KB)]
[http]Big Picture

You can execute vim by <Control><Shift>V is default keyboard shortcut or button in toolbar. It's so simple. You can use mouse action in VIM and you also use DND(Drag and drop). If you drag files or directory icon from other part of X(especially GNOME desktop or nautilus filebrowser.) and drop it in VEE, in vim tab it open the file. In terminal tab, dnd will insert the full path of file.

1.4. Let's connect SSH server.

In new version of VEE, 3.x, we will use ssh client like ssh(openssh) executable. To connect, press <Control><Shift>S, or click the ssh button in toolbar, and 'SSH Connection' dialog will be shown. Insert 'host', 'user', and 'password'. If you did not insert 'password', the connecton will be failed.

[JPG image (93.97 KB)]
[http]Big Picture

Connected to ssh server in VEE.

[JPG image (144.34 KB)]
[http]Big Picture

It's like terminal. You can also use 'ssh filebrowser' in this state.

1.5. Use SSH Filebrowser

[JPG image (134.14 KB)]
[http]Big Picture

'F12' will show 'dashboard', it include the buttons in toolbar. If you already connected to ssh server, it will display 'In this SSH Session,' section and new buttons for ssh and you click the 'SSH Filebrowser', you also open the new ssh filebrowser tab without 'SSH connection' dialog.

[JPG image (130.77 KB)]
[http]Big Picture

If connected, the 'remote' part will be sensitive. The SSH Filebrowser is not yet production state, so it have many bugs and requires many improvements. You can test it, drag files in file list and drop it between panels, it transfer files.

[JPG image (146.06 KB)]
[http]Big Picture

1.6. New toolbar

[JPG image (132.26 KB)]
[http]Big Picture

'F12' shows this.

1.7. New Preferences Dialog

[JPG image (133.22 KB)]
[http]Big Picture

In 'Fonts' section, you can set the default font of VEE.

[JPG image (114.19 KB)]
[http]Big Picture Module section.

[JPG image (135.2 KB)]
[http]Big Picture

Like the previous versions, you can change the keyboard shortcut for VEE. It acts like the 'keyboard shortcut' setting in GNOME.

1.8. Bookmark panel is,

In the new version, we can not use popup menu, and instead of it, we use toolbuttons in right side of panel.

[JPG image (149.78 KB)]
[http]Big Picture


I'm Spike^ekipS <spikeekips _at_ gmail.com>

Please see ÆäÀÌÁöÀ̸§ and ÆäÀÌÁöÀ̸§±ÔÄ¢ ±×¸®°í »õ ÆäÀÌÁöÀ̸§À» Á¦¾ÈÇØÁֽñæ.

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