This is the subset of LaTeX formatting instructions provided by DOC++:위에 있는 것만 가지고 문서를 작성한다면, 여러분은 LaTeX와 HTML 모두 보기 좋게 출력되는지 확인하여야 한다.
- $...$
- math mode for inline equations (for example ``
$\sqrt{\frac{x^2}2}$'')- \[...\]
- display math mode
- \#
- to output character ``#''
- \_
- to output character ``_''
- \
- to output character `` ''
- \em
- only to be used as ``{\em ...}''
- \bf
- only to be used as ``{\bf ...}'' or ``{\textbf ...}''
- \it
- only to be used as ``{\it ...}'' or ``{\textit ...}''
- \tt
- only to be used as ``{\tt ...}'' or ``{\texttt ...}''
- \tiny
- only to be used as ``{\tiny ...}''
- \scriptsize
- only to be used as ``{\scriptsize ...}''
- \footnotesize
- only to be used as ``{\footnotesize ...}''
- \small
- only to be used as ``{\small ...}''
- \large
- only to be used as ``{\large ...}''
- \Large
- only to be used as ``{\Large ...}''
- only to be used as ``{\LARGE ...}''
- \huge
- only to be used as ``{\huge ...}''
- \Huge
- only to be used as ``{\Huge ...}''
- only to be used as ``{\HUGE ...}''
- center
- i.e. ``\begin{center} ... \end{center}''
- flushleft
- i.e. ``\begin{flushleft} ... \end{flushleft}''
- flushright
- i.e. ``\begin{flushright} ... \end{flushright}''
- verbatim
- i.e. ``\begin{verbatim} ... \end{verbatim}''
- tabular
- i.e. ``\begin{tabular}{lll} ...&...\\ ... \end{tabular}''
- itemize
- i.e. ``\begin{itemize} \item ... ... \end{itemize}''
- enumerate
- i.e. ``\begin{enumerate} \item ... ... \end{enumerate}''
- description
- i.e. ``\begin{description} \item[...] ... ... \end{description}''
There are some additional LaTeX macros provided by DOC++:
- #...#
- corresponds to the LaTeX ``\verb!...!'', i.e. outputs ``...'' verbatim.
- \Ref{...}
- allows to specify a reference to a manual entry with name ``...''.
- \URL{...}
- allows to specify a link to the WWW page ``...''.
- \URL[my text]{...}
- allows to specify ``my text'' as the links name.
- \TEX{...}
- allows to include any complicated LaTeX code into you document. For HTML output DOC++ will have LaTeX to process it, produce gifs out of it and includes them into the HTML document. NOTE: This requires `LaTeX', `dvips', `ghostscript' and `ppmtools' to be correctly installed on your system!
Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes