솔라리스를 직접 인스톨하면서 이 HOWTO를 베타 테스트 해준 Marcel Meyer에게 감사한다.
언제든지 환영이다. 메일로써 연락하기 바란다. max.berger@xslt.de
번역하지 않습니다. (LDPL을 따를 경우 허락없이 수정/재배포 가능하다는 내용) - 역자
This document is copyrighted © by Max Berger. You may use and/or modify it according to the Linux Documentation Project License (LDPL) found at http://www.linuxdoc.org/COPYRIGHT.html.
According to the license you don't have to tell me, but I'd very much like to know when you modify and/or republish this document.
Although the information given in this document is believed to be correct, the author will accept no liability for the content of this document. Use the tips and examples given herein at your own risk.