다음 이전 차례

15. Copyright & Licensing Information

Copyright (C) 1999 by Gerard Beekmans. This document may be distributed only subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the LDP License at http://www.linuxdoc.org/COPYRIGHT.html.

It is not necessary to display the license notice, as described in the LDP License, when only a small part of this document (the HOWTO) is quoted for informational or similar purposes. However, I do require you to display with the quotation(s) a line similar to the following line: "Quoted from the LFS-HOWTO at http://huizen.dds.nl/~glb/

의미를 그대로 보존하고 효력 상실을 막기 위해 Copyright와 License 부분은 번역하지 않습니다.

다음 이전 차례